Simple windows drawer
Make sure you’ve read the general notes about all the nodes.
This node draws the windows of a building facade into a texture set. It is called simple because it draws the windows as single-color rectangles, so its best used either as masks for more elaborate materials, or as is for distant views. It can draw into 2 different channels of the input texture set: albedo and emit (emit for lit windows to emit light using an emissive shader).
The node draws the windows row by row. For each row it has to decide a few values, all randomly chosen between the min and max you set:
the size of each window
the size of walls: the space between them horizontally and the space with the previous row of windows
the probability to skip some windows in the row
For each window it has to decide, also using the values you provide:
albedo color of the window
whether the window is lit or not, and if so, its lit color
Example albedo channel
Example emit channel
Render on a cube
With different random hues